What is Fovea?
Fovea is a device dedicated to break out of the online filter bubble created by underlying algorithms running the most prominent social media websites and search engines. As being devoid of information from distinct viewpoints can greatly falter our ability to think critically , Fovea makes it easier to view information from two ends of a certain spectrum based on the user’s choice. This is a product that aims to raise awareness about filter bubbles and its influence on digital populism.
Concept Mapping
Rise of populism:
- Highly enabled by the spread of digital media
- Populism then vs. now (age of The Internet)
Social media is reshaping populism:
- Direct line to the people - Messages conveyed directly to people, ignoring classical media like newspapers.
- Empowerment by inclusion - People can use the Internet to learn more about positions, question candidates, and become far more involved in issues that affect their lives.
- Catalyst for concerted behaviour - The internet enables individuals throughout the world to make the transition from commenting and speaking to doing and acting.
Personalization algorithms & filter bubbles :
- Trending topics
- Search history
- Social bubble
- Location
The Artifact
An Arduino-based transparent cube
Open-source hardware and software
Contains one slider that controls the Google news and determines its political point of view
Contains three switches: social influences (see only what your friends have viewed), apparence (turn off the UI/graphic design for an article) & activate or disable recommendations based on your browsing history